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Empowering Communities Through Health Literacy

Helping Hands Philippines (The HHP): Empowering through health education. We educate disadvantaged communities, building health literacy amidst limited resources. Join us in creating lasting change. Donate today!

Sustainable health leadership in each community

Help Us Make Sustainable Change to Communities in the Philippines

Many hands can make great change! Please lend your helping hand today and donate to our sustainable programs!


Community Outreach Program

Annually, The Helping Hands Philippines (The HHP) provides community health outreach program, including a free primary care consultation clinic (complete with free medications), as well as health education sessions tailored to the current needs and desires of our communities. This health outreach program usually spans 4 weeks and is primarily a way of engaging our target communities in our other sustainable interventions: our Health Education Teaching and our Community Health Worker Training programs

The Helping Hands Philippines (The HHP) provides several health education/literacy sessions every month to our target communities, empowering our communities with health knowledge. Topics include (but are not limited to): nutrition counseling, the importance of exercise, dental health, the dangers of smoking/alcohol/drug usage, the usage and leveraging of existing government financial support programs, and reproductive health. A strong focus on bolstering the community’s health literacy is the key to reducing morbidity, mortality, and unaffordable healthcare spending due to largely preventable diseases.

Health Education Teaching

Community Health Worker Training (Focused Barangay Health Worker Training)

Barangay = the smallest unit of a community in the Philippines
Barangay Health Worker (BHW) = a basic health care provider in the Philippines that provides health care in their communities
Focused Barangay Health Worker (FBHW) = a BHW specially trained by The Helping Hands Philippines to provide focused, high-yield interventions in their communities
The training of community health workers is the cornerstone of our sustainable healthcare programing in the Philippines. In partnership with our communities, local doctors, and government units, The Helping Hands Philippines (The HHP) has created its own community health worker training program – the Focused Barangay Health Worker (FBHW) training program. We specially select individuals from our communities who show a great desire to help their fellow community members, and train them with our own materials to provide ongoing health education and health monitoring services in between our larger yearly community outreach sessions. The interventions of the FBHW are focused on being high-yield and preventative in nature, maximizing the healthcare impact of our FBHWs.

Meet Our Team

Board of directors

Dr. Michael Bartucci

Rebecca Mitchell

Nicole Parsons

Edward Bartucci